Wednesday, September 23, 2009

To Turkey or not to Turkey that is the quesiton...

So I went for another "Strollering" with the girls this morning then this afternoon, my legs hurt my hips hurt and i took a dam good nap. The point to this is that its going to take more than just a little strollering to get back into more cookies or peanut butter and nutela sandwiches...yummy...makes me want to go make one NO! STOP! dam it...
Well I know what i "have" to do the problem is i may have negative will power. I love to eat and the biggest problem is that i love to eat everything that can be bad for me...
Ok now to the measurements that i have been trying to put off...
im fat. by fat im close to 200 pounds of fat. Im legally obese. Im only about 5'4 and im just around the 190 pound mark. FAT. told you.
Next my size is 14/16 depends on how much give it has. I was a size 10 and 165 pounds before getting pregnant with my second daughter...and loosing that weight took a lot of work, by a lot of work it was 1hr per day 5 days a week at the gym SWEATING my ass off.
I am going to promise myself one thing: I will lose 20 pounds by Christmas. 20 POUNDS!
ok lets do it.
(drops the chocolate chip cookie) LETS DO IT!
Peace out. :P

Monday, September 21, 2009

Ok so what the FAT again...AGAIN what the hell was i thinking?

So its 5 months after the birth of my second and im fat just oh you put on a little weight fat but holy god your ass is amazingly enormous fat.
I hate being fat and then again i love to eat..its this whole love hate relationship..I would pay anything to be 168 that seems along time ago and a few sizes ago.
I know im fat, and i hate it. What have i done? well i purchased a new jogging stroller! WOOTWOOT...lets see how this helps me in my adventures in losing some of that double trailer. Free ride is over cellulite!
I wonder if skinny people know they are skinny...? hummmm i can tell you that fat people know they are fat...not only do we know were fat we also know that everyone else knows so the next time you feel the urge to "advise" someone who is fat that they should watch what they eat...They know they are fat...they know that eating what they are eating will lead them into fatter dont bother. Just dont.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Why oh why am i still fat?

Question: why am i still fat?
Answer: Stop eating.
Question:But I love food cant i just do something else?
Answer:Sure....Stop eating.

And this is my inner struggle. LOL ok seriously i know that i cant stop eating blah blah blah, and that i would actually gain weight blah blah blah... but sometime i wonder.

Like today,

Went to the gym, did my cardio. Stepped on the scale.

BANG still 168.

I know your all telling me its muscle that I'm putting on and blah blah but i would just love to see it drop just a little.... like 5 pounds would make me feel sooo good.

I do feel good.

But i would feel better! lol.

OK so ive decided here is what my week will look like:

Mondays: Cardio
Tuesdays: Ass
Wednesdays: Cardio
Thursdays: Abbs and Arms
Fridays: Cardio
Saturdays:Swimming with Tati
Sundays: Pure Pain with Juju.

and that's that for today that is :)

love ya!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Who says you cant work out in flats?

Heyya everyone! That is if anyone is even reading this thing....i hope you are.

Short and sweet update:

-went to the gym on Sunday with my sister-in-law and my mother-in-law.
-sister-in-law caused me sever physical and mental pain.
-still love her.
-want to kill her.
-but will LOVE to kill her......humm....

I also worked out on Monday but this was pure cardio.

I forgot my running shoes and only had my brand new black ballet flats.

I though about skipping the workout... and it only took me one second to decide flats or no flats imagonna burn some fat!

I wish i had taken a pic. it was the funnies shit ever! I'm sure posh spice works out in studded diamond flats her hunkie husband bought her while on a trip in Spain....ahhhh i wish i was posh....

30min on the elliptical level 3.

Ate a chocolate chip cookie...OK 2 OK OK .....4... but it was like having sex for the first time....that's not giving justice to the cookie...the cookie was MUCH MUCH better. Much.

Any hoot.

Up to today.....

Went on the treadmill- 10min and now i know how a gerbil feels, especially a slightly over wight gerbil. Nothing like the feeling of ones own fat giggling up and down as you attempt to keep you balance and not fly off the dam thing. (lets say that skinny people look way better on a giggle or i should say the right kinda giggle).

For all that effort i only burnt off 42Cal's.

Treadmills suck.

Now here is where the pain started.

Today I concentrated on my double ass(kinda like the double chin but on your thighs) and my ass.

MY ASS HURTS (and in a good

I'm hopping that tomorrow it feels like a fly guy at a rainbow party on church st.

I don't want to be able to walk. That way i know that my work out...worked.

Will keep you updated on pain level.

Well now I'm going to go back to my every crazy job, eat my daughters baby soup(hey its high in protein) and eat my pita.

Love you all! (especially my personal trainer...juju)

Friday, April 11, 2008

Stuck here till 9pm....why me?

OK, so it 6pm and here i am sitting in front of the computer (as i always do every day of my life) answering questions with a smile....
(in my head I'm swearing like a truck driver on a pit stop at a HD).

I went to the gym today at 4pm (my "lunch" Hr. who the hell has lunch at 4pm?)

walked in, and I'm not going to lie i wanted to walk right back out and grab a cheeseburger.

I would kill for a double whopper combo with cheese and a full Coke, none of this b.s half-fat low-fat, no fat stuffed with "tastes like sugar" but causes cancer sugar b.s.

As you can tell the side effects of the change in my daily eating habits are now rearing there ugly little heads.

Ive hit the wall. Yes ladies and gents the dreaded WALL, and i have hit it on my 5th day. So sad but true.

Needless to say i just kept on walking, told the annoying inner voice to just shut the F-up. and just keep on trucking. Take it you baby B$tC&.

Note: Any time i want to quit i think of the Additonelle add i saw the other day.

Her is this very attractive woman dressed in proper clothing for their body type. A.K.A Fattie clothing.

and the caption reads "be who you truly are"

So.... F! who you are happy with being, Be your True Fat Self. Period.

Have you seen these girls? There like what 6 feet tall? I don't see a 5'4 model who is a size 14 on the cover!

What would the caption read?

"Bulgie but beautiful"


So enough ranting....

Here was my routine:

15 min on the elliptical at level 3*

*note: i have realized that just because its a level higher and a hell of a lot harder your not burning more calories your just toning more. so if you want to burn the fat keep to a lower lever and a higher pace.

just a note :P

Mooooving along...


10*2 of armie thingies (take a pic of this one...note to self)
10*2 of the leg extensions (took it up a notch and did 90 pounds) OWCIE IT BURNS! but its a "GOOD" burning... LOL i don't know of such thing. but it is.

then i did the dreaded lose that fat ass and thigh workout..

you know the close your eyes and picture this.

its a sit down exercises, with two arms the straddle your legs apart/together depending on whether your going to burn inner or outer fat.

ya you know the one.

did it till i wanted to cry. but my ass fells great. no lie. i feel like one of those beach models for some cellulite cream with tight white shorts and an unreal (probably plastic/air bushed) ass.

Then i took a shower. A fresh new CLEAN towel in tow.

This Sunday I'm going to get my ASS handed to me by my amazing-yet-slightly-unstable sister-in-law. she says she does it cuz she loves me...i just think she wants to see me cry. (kidding) No really she loves me, ok ok i love her :)

And on one last note:

Please get all your friends, sisters, girlfriends(if you swing thata way) boyfriends, dog walkers' nanny to log onto my blog. give feed back ! show me you care! love me! MARSHA MARSHA MARSHA.

no seriously, at the end of this months (April) i will not longer be able to afford to go to the gym and am now looking for a gym to sponsor me on my 6month adventure of loss of ass.

Adopt a Fat Friend, and spread the love :P


Wednesday, April 9, 2008

At work and feeling FINE.

That's right I'm feeling fine. No major pain. Yet.

Left here right at 1pm, got to the gym at like 1:05pm. (now that i know where it its)

Asked the receptionist where the bath towels were....(she looked at me if i asked her what colour her pubic hair was)
"here" she handed me over a fresh white towel. "can i have two?" just in case someone decides to pick the lock on my locker and take my precious towel.

my precious......

So needles to say I'm not getting any STDs today. That's a good thing, no?

My workout:

Elliptical- level 2 -15min 200 cal.
Lower back extensions 10*2 at 90 pounds.
Leg Extensions 10*2
Hip Adductor (a.k.a melt the fat off your thighs)
Seated Leg Press.

So tomorrow I'm going to work out my arms.

Wish me luck ;0)

No sleep + Fussy Bayy = BAD morning.

Dear GOD,

Please help me with my little girl as she apparently thinks that 4am is feeding time and into mamma and daddas bed time.

Do this one thing and ill give up Twinkies for life. O.K realistically for like 12 months.



One cold coffee and un-melted buttered toast latter and I'm still planning on going postal today.

How is it that i go to bed relaxed and wake up wanting to strangle the first breathing-warm body? Oh i know. LACK OF SLEEP. I am seriously thinking of donating my eggs.

So this is how my morning went:

Got up at 8:30am (should have been out the door by this time)

So i black mailed my husband with fresh coffee and not so fresh toast to drive me to the GO.

He agrees ALLELUIA!

So i get dressed and for the first time this week have time and to put on make-up to cover the puffy eyes and down tone the look of a woman who is about to have a nervous brake down.

Out the door by 9am. @ the Go by 9:04am with Tait in the back squealing TRAIN!! CHOO-CHOO. (how can she be so wide awake and ready to confront the world? I'm thinking it because she knows she can take naps.)

I will be going to the gym @1pm.
Stay tune for the follow-up!
